English-CBES Board(Class 12-English)MCQ Questions with Answers(Chapter 8 Memories of childhood)-CBES Board(Class 12-English)MCQ Questions with Answers(chapter 7 - Evans Tries an O - Level)/Vistas book Sample Test,Sample questions

From where did they find the name of the hotel where Evan was staying?

1.from the police

2.from the people

3.secret agent

4. from the correction slip

From whom did the governor receive the first call?

1.Assisstant Secretary

2.Joint Secretary

3.Assisstant commissioner


How can we say that Evan could not get through the O Level German examination?

1.he is unable to understand even simple expression like Gutten Gluck

2.he didn't study

3.didn't attend any class

4.was behind the bars

How could Evans' plan of escape become a success?

1.because of his wits

2.because he keeps his hat on his head

3.because he was cunning


How did Evan escape from the jail?

1.by jumping the wall

2. by befooling the watchman

3.his friend Prison officer released him


How did Evan outwit the Governor?

1.by taking exam

2.by putting his hat

3. by keeping a letter

4. by keeping a letter

How did the first call mislead the governor?

1. by demanding prison van for a remand case where as it was needed for Evan's escape

2.by giving wrong information

3.by calling him to CM office


How was the governor able to locate Evans?

1.by putting together 6 figures

2. by decoding

3.with the help of Ordnance survey map of oxfordshire

4.All these

Name the author of the lesson.

1.William Blake

2.Sir Johnson


4.Norman Colin Dexter

What aided Evan's arrest?

1.his friends

2.his gang

3.secret agents

4.The clues Evan left

What did the Governor tell the Secretary of the examination Board?

1.Evan is a pleasing person

2.can imitate stars and was star of Christmas concert

3.was a kleptomaniac

4.All these

What did the Governor want Carter to do?

1.he wanted him to check Evan

2.he wanted him to go with Evan

3.he wanted him to accompany him

4.he wanted him to accompany injured Mcleery

What information did the governor receive from the detective Superintendent?

1.Mcleery had spotted Evan

2.Ean was seen near Elsfield way

3.chased Evan but lost him

4.All these

What is Norman Colin Dexter known for?

1.for his writings

2. for his poems

3. for his plays

4.for his Inspector Morse series of novels

What kind of a person was Evans?


2.pleasing personality and a tendency to mislead

3.stealing habit

4.All these

What made Evan have his last laugh?

1.his friend a prison officer opened his handcuffs and helped him to escape

2.Evan was locked up

3.Evan was released


What precautions did the authorities take to conduct the examination smoothly?

1.The Governor personally supervised security

2.Evan's cell was checked thoroughly

3.All belongings were taken away from Evan, The invigilator was frisked and a police officer was posted to keep a vigil

4.All these

What should be the Governor's plan to bring Evan back to prison from the hotel?

1.He should have sent him by air

2.He should have sent him with more people

3.He himself should have travelled along


What two purposes did the correction slip serve?

1.to give correct name of hotel to Evans and exact date and time of exam to Evans

2.to help Evan escape

3. to inform Evan Gang his plan of escape

4.All these

What was the name of the hotel where Evans was staying?


2.The Golden Palms

3.The Golden Era

4.The Golden Lion

What was the purpose of the second call?

1.to take away Stephen so that Evan could give final touches to his makeup

2.to give time to Evan to run

3. to befool Stephen and Jack

4. none

What was there in the small brown suitcase that Mcleery carried?

1. sealed question papers

2.yellow invigilation form

3.special authentication card

4.All these

When was for his Inspector Morse series of novels written?

1.between 1975 -1999

2.between 1975 -1998

3.between 1975 -1997

4.between 1975 -1994

Where was Evan located?

1.in the middle east

2. in Japan

3.in the middle of chipping Norton


Where were the clues left?

1.on the table

2.in the cell

3.on the mobile

4.on the question paper

Who arrived first on the scene after Stephen found Mcleery?



3.Detective Superintenden Carter


Who checked the cell thoroughly?

1.The police

2.The Governor

3.Jackson and Stephens


Who ordered Evans to take off his hat?



3.The Governor


Who was Carter?

1.a policeman


3.Detective Superintendent


Who was Mc Leery?

1.Evan's friend



4.the invigilator who had been appointed by the Governor to invigilate

Whom did Stephen actually catch?



3.a thief


Why couldn't Stephens identify Evans' trick?

1.because he was not trained

2.he was a new recruit

3.he was not experienced


Why did Evan decide to take the O level exam?

1.to keep his hat on his head

2.to study

3.to add to his academics

4. to plan an escape from the prison

Why did Evans clip his hair short?

1.to aid his escape plan and to pass off as Mc Leery later

2.he was feeling hot

3.to give modern look

4.to give a young look

Why did Evans drape a blanket around his shoulder?

1.to conceal his efforts of changing dress to look like MCleery

2.because he was feeling cold

3.to hide himself from the police

4.All these

Why did Evans request not to take off his hat?

1.he was feeling cold

2.to give a smart look

3.he loved to wear

4.Evans considered it lucky for himself

Why was Evan keeping the hat on his head?

1.to cheat

2.to avoid cold

3.to give a smart look

4.to avoid being detected as he had clipped his hair short to look like Mcleery

Why was Evans called 'Evans the break?

1.because of his pleasing personality

2.because he keeps hat on his head

3.for escaping from prison thrice

4.All these

Why was the Governor not ready to take risk?

1. to bring a good name

2.to stop Evan from taking exam

3.to avoid any bad name


Why was the invigilator frisked?

1.to ensure that he had no objectionable material with him

2.to check his true identity

3. to check if he was a real man



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